Tuesday, 19 March 2019

4 Basic Concerning Aspects while Repairing FUE Scars

The FUE or follicular unit extraction process is the second method in the hair transplant procedure that involves a random way to obtain the graft from the scalp portion, regardless of donor area position. The FUE technique is generally applied to sort out the problem of the small grade of baldness and in the case when a patient needs it extremely, regardless of eligibility to receive the procedure at a certain stage. No matter, what the state of loss you possess and what the type of hair loss occurs in your case of baldness, Surgeon uses the method of FUE if a patient is an extreme need of the hair restoration procedure.

The Method of FUE Hair Transplant:
The FUE technique is done via the process of random punching aided by the punching tools that allow a surgeon to extract the graft with a fuller compatibility as the extraction tools came with new definition today and accepted in the restoration world. The area from where the roots are excised in the FUE, primarily focused on the safe donor part to excise the roots, but the random process compelled a surgeon to excise the roots from the unsafe zone also because every punching in the FUE extraction needs an aesthetic distance to the next punching. In this way, the donor area automatically gets decreased and a surgeon needs another session in the case of the requirement of a greater number of grafts. The hair transplant cost significantly gets changed by the practiced technique and normally the cost gets high in the FUE rather than the strip/FUT method.

One of the huge demerits of the FUE hair transplant is about the scars that come as an effect of the dynamic punching followed by the various tools that must be considered with a view of their removal and thus the restoration goes with the FUT hair transplant technique.
It is inevitable to sort out the issue of the scar in the hair restoration surgery and the FUT is opted to camouflage to scar in such a way that the hair regrowth can be possible just above to the suture line. However, a successful hair transplant surgery has the aim to offer a scarless result by making the same virtually imperceptible.

Here we are elaborating 4 Basic is concerning Aspects while Repairing FUE Scars:
1.      The Method Selection: It is a right decision to go with the FUT technique or strip harvesting method if one experienced multiple white tiny scars after the FUE procedure. The FUT involves the strip excision from the donor part that later closed by the advanced closing technique of the Trichophytic closure that allows an overlapping pattern to close the areas gives the utmost imperceptible effect of the restoration procedure. The areas where the scars affected the scalp portion the FUT excised grafts are implanted and in this way the affected areas covered with the new roots and make the possibility of receiving the scarless hair restoration outcome.
2.      The Advanced Closing technique: The Trichophytic closure is allowed to close the areas that involve the overlapping fashion, which makes the possibility of getting undetectable outcomes. There is no need to open the closing areas as it dissolves eventually. The Trichophytic closure allows the regrowth of hair through the donor scar.
3.      The placement of Graft: It is inevitable in the surgery that grafts should be placed vertically in order to bypass the scar tissues and the hair roots get nourishment from the sub-dermal layer.
4.      The Aesthetic implantation and slitting: The aesthetic implantation is needed in order to place every graft according to the defined angle and direction that must follow the pre-defined slitting zone. In this way, a Surgeon gives you the best outcomes of the restoration surgery.

The hair transplant surgery only a permanent option to get back the original hair roots rather the expert surgeon guidance and involvement are there with the view of achieving the best positive results, i.e., a scarless, painless, and safe hair transplant surgery.

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