Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Why Should You Opt for the FUT+FUE Hair Transplant

If someone is affected by the hair loss problem, it is first advised to attain the initial consultation with your surgeon. This is the consultation session that tells about the causes of the baldness and the present state of the hair loss in order to opt for the particular hair restoration technique to sort out it permanently. The hair transplant in Delhi is one of the best decisions that advocate the authenticity of the clinics and the surgeon’s expertise in order to receive the best results of the procedure. As far as the cost is concerned, the hair transplant cost in Delhi is a reasonable option that easily comes under the budget-cost option and a favourable choice for the economic group of the people.

After knowing the reason for baldness, the surgeons recommend the particular technique or medications followed by a proper analysis with respect to the suitability of particular alternative to solve the issues. However, it is needed to explore good clinics and surgeons to find out the best solution to your problem.

Before describing anything in detail, it is mandatory to discuss here that what are the types of the hair transplant technique and how it influences the outcomes?

The Types of hair Transplant Technique are described below:

1.      The FUT Hair Transplant: The FUT or the follicular unit transplant is also known as the strip method of the surgery that involves the strip of the skin excision from the rear and sides of the scalp. The incision is made in a linear fashion with a certain depth and length in order to excise the strip containing follicular units. The incision area is further closed by the advanced closure technique of the Trichophytic closure in such a manner that the patient gets an overlapping pattern of closing in the incision area. The modern trichophytic closure allows the hair regrowth through the wounded scars and in this way the patients get a scarless hair transplant results. Since the FUT hair transplant is the method that caters the strip excision for the hair root extraction allows the possibility of getting a number of hair roots in a single sitting.  
2.      The FUE Hair Transplant: The FUE or the follicular unit extraction is the process of hair root extraction via the multiple punching processes made with the help of the motorized punching machine or the manual punching. It is the process of extracting the individual hair root in a single time. The FUE or the follicular unit extraction method is applied when a patient requires a limited number of hair roots to sort out the issue of the lesser Norwood grade of baldness, i.e.,
NW-I, II, or III. The FUE hair transplant is a preferable technique to perform the body hair transplant or BHT, i.e., beard, eyebrow or moustache hair transplant.
3.  The Combined method of FUT+FUE Hair Transplant: The combined method of FUT+FUE hair transplant is a dual method of hair transplant surgery that allows a patient to get a higher number of hair roots in a single session. The hair transplant procedure performed by the combined technique of FUT+FUE allows the surgeon to receive the desired number of grafts as both the techniques of the restoration is applied to extract the grafts and fulfil the desired goal of the hair transplant procedure. One can receive more than 4000 of hair grafts in a single session with the FUT+FUE method. Therefore, it is a recommended technique to sort out the option of the biggest grade of Norwood baldness.

The Significance of FUT+FUE hair Transplant:
·      The issue of the greatest grade of Norwood baldness is effectively solved with the combined technique of FUT+FUE hair transplant
·         The high-density need for the hair transplant procedure is fulfilled with the combined method
·         The combined method allows the possibility of getting the desired number of grafts to meet the best cosmetic demand of the surgery
·     The hair transplant procedure performed by the FUT+FUE method is allowed also when a patient doesn’t possess enough safe donor area to fulfil the desired goal of the surgery.
On the whole, we can say that the procedure of hair transplant performed by the dual method of FUT+FUE hair transplant surgery allows the patient to get the desired number of the follicular unit even with the weak donor supply meets the best cosmetic goal of the surgery in a quite single session.

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