Tuesday 13 March 2018

Diffuse Hair Loss in Women and the Hair Transplantation

Diffuse hair loss in females is mostly due to the telogen effluvium or anagen effluvium. The diffuse hair loss is a condition in which patient experiences an extreme hair loss due to some effect, including the medications, stress or childbirth or post-menstrual effect. The telogen effluvium when combined with the genetic hair loss or female pattern hair loss becomes a major cause of hair loss that approaches medication or hair transplantation. The hair falls in clubs in an abrupt manner generally from the crown and top area of the scalp. The telogen effluvium generally starts after 2-3 months of the triggering events, including, major surgery, prolonged high fever or treatment of any chronic disease. The extreme hair thinning starts with thinning of the central scalp area as well as widening the gap between the partition that makes an awkward look and needs treatment of hair transplantation in most of the cases. 

The hair transplant in Delhi record revealed this fact that most of the female patients affected by the diffuse hair loss take an interest in the hair transplant procedure to re-achieve their original looks and beauty. 

The causes of diffuse hair loss are described below:

  • Medical conditions: There are some medical conditions that cause a diffuse loss is the ovarian tumor, obstetric, post-partum or post-menopausal, iron deficiency or thyroid disorder causes a great role in experiencing the diffuse hair loss. The treatment is available with both the medications as well as the surgical restoration.  
  • Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy: The medications allowed treating cancer or radiotherapy plays a major role in presenting the diffuse hair loss. The hair loss occurred due to the radiotherapy or chemotherapy is termed as the Anagen effluvium. 
  • Localized Hair loss: The localized hair loss in women is divided into two categories known as the scarring or non-scarring alopecia. Scientifically, it is termed as the Alopecia areata and can differentiate on the basis of their losing hair in a certain pattern. Generally, a hair loss through a coin-shaped pattern, which is difficult to diagnosis and hence scalps biopsy, is recommended by the hair loss experts.
So, it is very important to go through a proper pre-procedure consultation to know about an exact cause of the hair loss that helps in identifying the correct method to sort out the problem. The hair restoration procedure is a safe and permanent option to get back the original hair with all the natural beauty.

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